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True North Post

True North Post
True North Post Team

Jacky Burke | Post Production Supervisor

Jacky Burke

Post Production Supervisor
Gemma Ackerley | Business Development

Gemma Ackerley

Business Development
Kat Chacon | Post Production Coorindator

Kat Chacon

Post Production Coorindator
Andrew Lurcuck | Head of True North Post

Andrew Lurcuck

Head of True North Post
James Routh | Dubbing Mixer

James Routh

Dubbing Mixer
Junior Online Editor | Edit Assistant

Lauren Dowling

Junior Online Editor
John Beadnell | Graphics and VFX Designer

John Beadnell

Graphics and VFX Designer
Craig Dixon | Media Manager

Craig Dixon

Media Manager
Nigel Augustine | IT Manager

Nigel Augustine

IT Manager
James McNamee | Avid Support

James McNamee

Avid Support
Kathryn Adam | Edit Assistant

Kathryn Adam

Edit Assistant
Ryan Jones | Edit Assistant

Ryan Jones

Edit Assistant
Dan Roebuck | Edit Assistant

Dan Roebuck

Edit Assistant
Mike Allen | Edit Assistant

Mike Allen

Edit Assistant
Barney Tattley | Edit Assistant

Barney Tattley

Edit Assistant
Marie Ouraga | Edit Assistant

Marie Ouraga

Edit Assistant
Katrina Pearson | Edit Assistant

Katrina Pearson

Edit Assistant
Liam Davis | Trainee Edit Assistant | Screen Skills

Liam Davis

Trainee Edit Assistant | Screen Skills
Hannah McParlin | Trainee Edit Assistant | North East Screen

Hannah McParlin

Trainee Edit Assistant | North East Screen
Nick Thorp | Senior Editor

Nick Thorp

Senior Editor
John Readman | Senior Editor

John Readman

Senior Editor
Sam Hance | Junior Editor

Sam Hance

Offline Editor
Olivia Kirk | Junior Offline Editor

Olivia Kirk

Offline Editor
Phoebe Knowles | Junior Offline Editor

Phoebe Knowles

Junior Offline Editor
Connor Wood | Junior Offline Editor

Connor Wood

Offline Editor
Post Production for The One ShowPost Production for Wise Owl FilmsPost Production for re:productionPost Production for Sky CrimePost Production for BBC TwoPost Production for FifaPost Production for Silver LiningPost Production for Channel 4 News


TV Post Production