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True North Post

True North Post
True North Post Team

Jacky Burke | Post Production Supervisor

Jacky Burke

Post Production Supervisor
Gemma Ackerley | Business Development

Gemma Ackerley

Business Development
Kat Chacon | Post Production Coorindator

Kat Chacon

Post Production Coorindator
Andrew Lurcuck | Head of True North Post

Andrew Lurcuck

Head of True North Post
James Routh | Dubbing Mixer

James Routh

Dubbing Mixer
John Beadnell | Graphics and VFX Designer

John Beadnell

Graphics and VFX Designer
Craig Dixon | Media Manager

Craig Dixon

Media Manager
Nigel Augustine | IT Manager

Nigel Augustine

IT Manager
James McNamee | Avid Support

James McNamee

Avid Support
Kathryn Adam | Edit Assistant

Kathryn Adam

Edit Assistant
Ryan Jones | Edit Assistant

Ryan Jones

Edit Assistant
Dan Roebuck | Edit Assistant

Dan Roebuck

Edit Assistant
Mike Allen | Edit Assistant

Mike Allen

Edit Assistant
Barney Tattley | Edit Assistant

Barney Tattley

Edit Assistant
Marie Ouraga | Edit Assistant

Marie Ouraga

Edit Assistant
Katrina Pearson | Edit Assistant

Katrina Pearson

Edit Assistant
Hannah McParlin | Trainee Edit Assistant | North East Screen

Hannah McParlin

Trainee Edit Assistant | North East Screen
Nick Thorp | Senior Editor

Nick Thorp

Senior Editor
John Readman | Senior Editor

John Readman

Senior Editor
Sam Hance | Junior Editor

Sam Hance

Offline Editor
Olivia Kirk | Junior Offline Editor

Olivia Kirk

Offline Editor
Phoebe Knowles | Junior Offline Editor

Phoebe Knowles

Junior Offline Editor
Connor Wood | Junior Offline Editor

Connor Wood

Offline Editor
Post Production for MotifPost Production for AtypicalPost Production for Channel 5Post Production for Wise Owl FilmsPost Production for TLCPost Production for Silver LiningPost Production for NBC UniversalPost Production for Button Down


TV Post Production